Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Art Festival

This past weekend, we went out and enjoyed the two art festivals in Des Moines. (Ok... I enjoyed it, and dragged Chris and Addison along. Secretly though, I think they enjoyed it too!) Here are some photos from our outing!

Love this!

Of course Chris found the cars :)

We met Grandpa and Grandma Vest at the fairgrounds art festival.

My babes...

Father's Day

Overall I think Chris had a wonderful Father's Day weekend. Saturday we ran some errands, bought some more stuff for Addison (toys and things she probably doesn't need, but we can't help but spoil our cutie patootie). We (Addison and I) also bought Chris a meat smoker for his first special day. On Sunday morning, Chris worked on the race car with his dad while Addison and I went for a walk. Sunday afternoon, Chris smoked his first pork loin (which was delicious!) and he let me take pictures of him and Addison. I figured since I had my pictures taken with her for my first Mother's day, he should have pictures of his first Father's Day... Enjoy!

We also bought Addison a high chair. She absolutely loves being able to sit at the table with us. She watches Chris eat (she sits on his side) and thinks it's the funniest thing!

P.S. these are taken with my new camera Chris convinced me to buy with my birthday money (secretly I think he just wanted my old one)!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Addy's New Love...

Addison has found her love for kicking her feet. She sits in her rocking chair and will start vigorously moving her legs back and forth until her chair starts rocking. Chris thinks she looks like she is shifting gears in a car, either way, it is a great way for her to get exercise and wear her out!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

11 weeks...

It’s hard to believe that Addison will be 11 weeks old on Tuesday. They aren't kidding when they say time flies! She is getting soo big and really developing her personality. Other than enjoying Addison, not a whole lot has been happening with our lives (besides of course the daily routines). So since not a lot has been happening, I'll just post some pictures because I know that's what you really want to see :)
Watching Daddy wash the cars!

This flower is silly!

Tummy time!

I love the different fabrics on my giraffe!

Sitting in my bumbo chair!


While I was pregnant I don't think I actually realized how big I was, but as they say "hind sight is 20/20"... Man I was huge! I had been thinking about doing this for a while but finally sat down and did it... The following is a hastily put together picture showing just how huge I was. On the left is my 39 week picture (taken the morning of the day they ended up inducing me) and on the right is a picture from 8 weeks after Addison was born. It's amazing what women go through during pregnancy and like Chris said the entire time "if it was up to men to do this, it wouldn't be done!"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Race Day!

Saturday we went to Eddyville to kick off the summer of racing. Chris qualified for the Quick 16 race (top 16 fastest cars) but due to issues with his car was only able to race in the first round and then was done for the rest of the day. With his car being so new, there are plenty of bugs to work out and things to get used to. Hopefully we will be back up and running in the next week or two.

Thanks to Tim for coming and helping out! We enjoyed having you there.

Here are a couple pictures of the car, for those of you who haven't seen it, and a picture of how Addison spent most of her time :)