Tuesday, December 29, 2009

24 Weeks and Spoiled Already

This past week we celebrated Christmas with Chris' parents on Thursday and My parents and the Knepper family on Friday. We had a great time on Thursday cooking dinner, watching movies and opening presents for Baby Vest. Friday morning we got up early to drive to Dyersville and battled horrible roads until we got almost to Waterloo before they got better. Once we got to Dyersville, we helped Mom and Dad set up their new t.v. then went up to New Vienna to Jeff and Diane's house. After a delicious lunch of turkey and dressing sandwiches and soup, and catching up with family, we had our baby shower. We were blessed with many gifts for which we are very thankful!

Saturday morning, we went to the Racing Champions outlet. Chris found himself a couple of model race cars and we were able to pick up some more First Years goodies for the baby. Thank you very much to uncle Don who met us at the store and let us use his wonderful discount!

We decided to take I-80 home since it was supposed to be clearer for driving than I-35. Since the weather was good, we stopped in Williamsburg at the Outlet mall, where we found some more good deals on clothes for the baby.

We hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas as much as we did!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

23 Weeks

Yesterday we had our ultrasound. It was fun to see the baby moving around. It yawned and even shifted the gears in its make believe car (or punched the air, but Chris swears it was shifting.) After asking them about every horrible situation possible, the doctor said that everything looked good and that there were no visible complications. We can't wait to see little CoopAddy in a couple months! Enjoy the pictures below! (If you click on them they will show up bigger in another window.) Click on the comment button below and tell us whether you think it will be a boy or a girl!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Snow Storm at 22 weeks

On December 8th and 9th Iowa experienced a massive snowstorm or blizzard. The Des Moines metro area received over 14 inches of snow in less than a 24 hour period. It was crazy to say the least. They shut down Goodrich (where Chris works) and they suggested that we didn't travel in to work (although I had to use a vacation day) as well. Chris and I spent the day being very productive (trying to make progress in the new Super Mario Wii game). We eventually tried traveling out around 4:30 in the afternoon only to find that a few of the roads by our house were closed due to drifts, but we did make it to Sonic for my slushie craving :) We enjoyed our vacation day and look forward to next week which starts our 7 (for Chris) and 8 (for Lora) days off work. Below are a few pictures of the storm and a 22 week belly picture.
View from my office. They ghosted building in the background is only about 2 blocks away. Taken about 4:00 p.m.

This is what our drive looked like on our way home, about 5:00 p.m.

Chris standing in the snow drift that completely blocked the front door.

The front door drift from the side in day light.