Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another Trip to the Hospital...

Well we haven't posted anything in a while. This doesn't mean that we haven't been having any new things to say just that we have been too busy to say them. We took another trip to the hospital on the 29th of January. Lora woke up with some spotting and she couldn't feel little Coopaddy moving at all after sitting down in the chair. All of this after we had gotten ready to leave the house at 5:30 Friday morning. We had borrowed a blood pressure measuring device from my Mom and Dad and Lora checked it. The first time we checked it was at 135/95 and we were skeptical so we decided to check it again and it was 135/95 the second time. So we decided to wait a couple of minutes and verify the measurement. We then measured her blood pressure at 165/95 and we were a little concerned. Lora went to the couch and laid on her left side for about 10 or 15 minutes. We checked it again and it read 136/95 again. After all of that we decided to call the doctor and wake him up after they said be concerned with a bottom number of anything above 80. Well we woke him up and he said "you shouldn't be checking your blood pressure at home but since you did you better go get checked out." Needless to say we went to the hospital and once again the blood pressure went right down. The doctor released us to go home after a couple of hours and told us not to check her blood pressure at home anymore. We had our 30 week appointment on Monday as well and we finally asked the Doctor all of the questions we did not get a chance to on Friday. The Braxton Hicks contractions that Lora is having are normal and not real contractions as the nurse thought at the hospital. We are looking forward to seeing Coopaddy and getting all of the over with. Here is the 30 week picture. Thanks for all of the well wishes and thoughts.

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